Sewing Supplies: fabric joints & eyes Maxwell Supplies
Some things are easy to find- some require a little more searching. With that in mind I've made some of the more elusive teddy bear making supplies available here.
what's included:
- 12" x 12" mohair (you choose the color)
- 2 x 5/8” disks
- 4 x 1/2” disks
- 4 x 3/8” disks
- 5 x 1/16” cotter pins
- one pair of 3mm onyx bead eyes
ADD GLASS EYES: Using glass eyes in place of beads is a step up in difficulty but creates a different and more polished finished bear. The eyes sit more flush with the fabric are and less "beady". See the difference in the images here.
Pattern is not included.
This is not the full list of items you'll need to make Maxwell. Many others are easily found around the house, at your local craft, or hardware stores but in addition to those listed above... consider buying Hemostats, Waxed Thread (if you want to string join your bear), a Large Doll Making Needle all available from the shop...